BRICK – Dogs will be permitted at the Farmer’s Market for the first time, on a trial basis, after the Township Council’s Recreation Committee reviewed and approved the measure.
The governing body passed a resolution that allows dog owners to bring their canine companions with them to the Farmer’s Market held each Saturday from May through September at Windward Beach Park.
“Dogs are allowed in township parks as long as they’re leashed and their owners clean up after them as needed,” said Councilwoman Andrea Zapcic. “However, the bandshell area at Windward Beach is considered a beach area where dogs are not allowed.”
Over the years, responsible dog owners have expressed dismay at not being allowed to bring their dogs to the Farmer’s Market, and the township staff requested the committee consider this exemption, she said.
“We are doing this by resolution so we can see how it goes this season, and if all goes well we’ll continue the practice, and hopefully all will go well,” Zapcic said.
In other news, final plans are in place for Summerfest 2023 when bid awards for food truck vendors, fireworks exhibitions and the beer and wine garden were announced.
Food truck vendors include hot food, sausage sandwiches and cheesesteaks, grilled fried items, ice cream, funnel cakes, fried Oreos, butterfly fries, Italian mozzarella donuts, Italian nachos, fettuccine bread pockets and surf & turf.
Bid notices were provided to 106 prospective bidders. Of those, 14 picked up bid packages, 10 bids were received, and awards went to the highest bidders in each category.

Schaefer Pyrotechics of Ronks, Pa. will be paid $26,040 to provide fireworks exhibitions for the Summerfest concert series and for the Fallfest. Bid notices were provided to 12 prospective vendors. Six of those picked up packages and one bid was received.
Windward Tavern will once again run the beer and wine garden concession for Summerfest, for which they will pay $9,100. Bid notices were sent to 25 prospective bidders. Three submitted bids, and Windward Tavern provided the highest responsible bid.
And finally, construction will begin on Cedar Bridge Manor Park after a $465,412 bid was awarded to Robbie Lane Enterprises of Towaco, NJ, one of six bids that were submitted. Bids ranged from a high of $572,385 to the lowest winning bid.
Permits for the project were delayed since the .91-acre waterfront park on Manor Drive was located in a geographic area of high sensitivity where Native American artifacts might be found.

An archaeological survey was conducted and no historical artifacts were identified.
“The township has all the necessary permits to proceed with this project,” said Councilwoman Zapcic. “The project includes shoreline restoration – specifically riprap stabilization edge with vegetation mulch, much like we did at Bay Harbor Beach.”
The project also includes playground equipment, exercise equipment, a kayak launch, a walkway and a bike rack, she said.