BRICK – Honoring its history and traditions, Brick Little League has returned to the baseball diamond to celebrate opening day.
Despite the rainy weather, players, coaches, volunteers and community leaders came out on April 1 for the start of a new season. The league commemorated its long history at one of its oldest sports complexes in the township, Edmund Hibbard Park, which includes four NJ State Baseball Championships and over 40 years of youth baseball.
“Due to the growth of our League, we will require three Majors/Minors games being played simultaneously Saturdays and some weeknights. Over the past few years, the original Field served as mostly a practice field, but because of over 560 players playing in the League now, there is a need to host more games on it,” Brick Little League President Mike Desmond said. “Much restoration, investment and volunteer hours were needed to bring the once Jewel of the League back to life to make this happen. We are excited to bring back its past players, coaches, and families from Brick Little League and Brick National Little League to celebrate the history of baseball in Brick.”
Some guest appearances at opening day included Mark Hibbard (son of Edmund Hibbard), Buster from the Jersey Shore BlueClaws, Red from Red Robin, NJ Little League District 18 Assistant Administrator Tim LeCras, Brick Police Honor Guard, and elected officials.
The League recognized the 2022 10-year-old District Championship Team managed by Coach Jason Burgess as well as honored the family of Edmund Hibbard – the Park’s namesake.

During the ceremony they gave out a Volunteer Recognition Award to Volunteer Pete Tortorella and raffled away free tickets to the Brick Little League Night out at the BlueClaws on June 24.
Throwing out the ceremonial first pitches were Mark Hibbard, Councilmember Vincent Minichino and Tee Ball Player Bruce Woodruff. In addition, 12-year-old player Michael Bolen read the Little League Oath.
“The 2023 Brick Little League Spring Season will certainly be one to remember as the League celebrates 40-plus years of baseball at Edmund Hibbard Park. Thank you to all the Little League Volunteers, Brick Township Parks & Recreation, and Department of Public Works for all the efforts making Brick Little League a special place for the youth of Brick Township to play baseball,” Brick Recreation Superintendent Dan Santaniello said.

The League presented a new throwback alternate logo at Legacy Field, which features a combination of the old Brick National logo with the current Brick Little League colors. Legacy Field will also feature a new backstop, pitcher’s mound, signage and more.
Brick Little League will be hosting its 3rd Annual Volunteer Appreciation Day on April 29 which will include a BBQ, Coaches Lunch and ceremony. For more information visit Brick Little League’s website at bricklittleleague.com.